All posts by Brad Hedeman

Fresh cheese made by Zingerman's Creamery

Issue No. 144: Local cheese for the nation from Zingerman’s Creamery

For most of its history, cheese has been a local affair. Farmers would bring their milk to a village creamery that could convert that milk into cheese and other dairy products. Cheese has always been the long term storage solution for extra milk—especially before the era of refrigerators. The creameries would produce the same type […]

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Illustration of whole grain, flour, and our granite mill at Zingerman's Bakehouse

Issue No. 122: Whole grain pastries are more delicious. Wait, really?

For centuries, coarse, whole grain flours were the everyday norm for bread and porridge. White flours were a once-in-a-while treat for only the most special cakes or breads, reserved for the highest of holidays. As refined white flours became more readily available in the 20th century, Big Ag marketing departments promoted them by running a […]

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Issue No. 73: A buyer’s guide to Marieke Gouda & Pleasant Ridge Reserve

In my twenty plus years in the food world, I’ve had the privilege of visiting some of the world’s best cheesemakers. The Comté aging caves of Marcel Petite in the Jura mountains of France. Jamie Montgomery’s bucolic estate in Somerset, England where they make traditional cheddar in the birthplace of the world’s most famous cheese. […]

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