All posts by Val Neff-Rasmussen

Matthew of Zingerman's Coffee Company harvests ripe coffee cherries at Hacienda Miramonte in Costa Rica

Issue no. 145: The range and consistency of Zingerman’s Coffee Company

In 2003, when Zingerman’s Coffee Company first started roasting coffee, small, specialty coffee roasters were few and far between. A decade ago, specialty coffee was beginning to find a foothold, but it was still a nerdy, niche product with a limited audience. Today, the story has changed. Even a small town is likely to have […]

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Illustration of a cartoon man sipping a tasting cup of olive oil, surrounded by a border of olive oil bottles

Issue no. 134: Why does one olive oil taste different than another?

It starts with the olive varietal Just like wine made from Chardonnay grapes tastes different than a wine made from Merlot grapes, olive oils made from different types of olives can have totally different flavors. There are thousands of different olives in the world. Some are milder. Some are more bitter. Some are more buttery. […]

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